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F&E advantage




We offer our customers the highest quality service and reliability. F&E Aircraft Maintenance is committed to supplying solutions that reduce our customer's operational costs and improve their efficiency. We strive to meet and exceed our customer's expectations by building and maintaining healthy relationships with the majority of the operators on the airfield. 




F&E stands firmly on the fundamental principles of decent human conduct and we understand the importantance of positive ethical influences in the workplace. We believe that ethical guidelines in the form of policies and practices give our employees the proper tools they need to make informed decisions about their overall approach to work and the tasks that they perform.  This methodology allows for a reduction in risks and errors and allow for a more productive harmonious work environment. F&E does not tolerate unethical practices or behavior, and all members of its organizational body are expected to conduct themselves in a legal, professional and ethical manner, at work and beyond. 



F&E is a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB). Our certification certificates help our customers meet supplier diversity goals and benefit from the substantial tax incentives set aside by the Federal Government. 



At F&E Aircraft Maintenance, we value our customers, our employees and the community we inhabit. With pride, we strategically position ourselves to take active participation in building relationships that not only increase our operational capacity, but that also enhance our overall organizational outlook. We are proud affiliates of the El Segundo Rotary Club, which is a not for profit service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.  F&E believes wholeheartedly in embracing the opportunity to serve society as a whole.


F&E’s vision for the aviation maintenance industry includes a process of continuous learning. In order to provide employment and training opportunities to the local communities surrounding LAX, to achieve innovative labour cost reductions and to maintain a growing and competitive workforce, F&E has established relationships with local colleges that provide the Aircraft maintenance training courses required for licensed A&P mechanics.  With these relationships, F&E remains well prepared to maintain an experienced workforce as existing mature mechanics gradually retire.  Furthermore, as these new mechanics are in training, F&E’s starts them at the entry level as cabin cleaners and cross utilizes them so they are able to gain experience under the senior mechanics. This plan provides work incentives for advancement, increases productivity, reduces turnover and reduces costs for our customers.



Safety and proper training is our company culture. The total well-being of our customers is paramount and critical to our successful operations. 


Human Factors Training 


Initial and annual re-current Human Factors training contributes to F&E’s goal of creating and reinforcing a positive safety culture where employees practice safe habits at work and at home. We recognize that effective Human Factors training improves work performance and promotes workforce physical and mental health.


Drug Contingency Plan  


F&E supports and complies with DOT, FAA and FHWA regulations for drug and alcohol testing as well as other state, local and federal laws. F&E reserves the right to test any employee for drugs and alcohol at any time. F&E prohibits the unlawful possession, use, distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by its employees in the workplace, anywhere on company property or while on working time outside of the workplace. Consumption of alcohol less than 8 hours prior to a shift, during work hours, including meal periods, breaks, pre-duty/pre-report periods, and standby/on-call hours is strictly prohibited.


All employees hired as a direct employee or sub-contractor performing a safety-sensitive function must be drug tested when hired as part of the pre-employment process, then once annually for continued employment. The laboratory performing tests for F&E Aircraft Maintenance has been certified by the Department of Health and Human Services.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s) 


It is mandatory that all F&E employees requiring personal protective equipment wear the equipment at all times during their shift. The PPE’s include bump cap, safety work shoes, and safety vest. 

More than 30 Years of EXPERT SERVICE
And An IMPECCABLE Safety Record!

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